On feeling thankful
I found this article on zenhabits about feeling thankful
I discovered a few things recently, one of the most important being that everything is a choice. I realised that i had spent most of my life thinking, about the past, the present, the future..analysing every little detail, until my mind became so cluttered that i could hardly see, appreciate or really feel anything around me. I thought this constant chatter in my head was me being intelligent :)
I want to focus on the good stuff, and i have a lot of things to be very grateful for.
I have a beautiful son
I have a home
I have friends and family
I have a job
I live in a country where i feel i belong
I am in good health
I have love
I have food, water and sleep
I have knowledge and peace
I am blessed :)
I tag anyone that reads this, especially Munqy, Fesh and Madwoman. List 10 things you are grateful for.